Sunday we had a family Christmas Party with my family, both my brothers and their family's, and my mom and sister. We are starting a new tradition and doing fondue Christmas from now on. This was our spread, Justin and Jay sat next to the cheese and chocolate and ate and ate and ate. Then we decided to have a photo shoot. This is me, Katie, Lisa, and Leslie. My camera was taking crappy pictures so I am kind of bummed.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Family Christmas party
Posted by nataliejustin at 2:45 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friend/Family Christmas/Jazz Party
Every year we have a Christmas party with our friends I call it a friends/family party because the Mosers are pretty much family to us and some of the Mosers actual family go plus other friends come, so anyways we have done this for about 4 or 5 years now. It is always fun we have presents, food, sometimes games, sometimes crafts, but always a good time. I was a bit of a slacker on the camera but got a few shots so decided to post those. Drews present was Play-doh, he was so excited and would not let go of it. Morgan got an art kit and asked if her and Ethan could play with it. I said sure, not realizing it was paint and not markers so, sorry Yolanda I would never knowingly let my child open paints in someone elses house.
Posted by nataliejustin at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Drews Christmas preschool program
On the day of Drew's very first preschool program he woke up on the wrong side of McQueen (he has a lightening McQueen race car bed). Of all days to be ornery and not wake up his happy usual self it was the day of his program. He did not want to take a bath but I made him, and after his bath he thought it was stupid that I put him back in pajamas (he was supposed to wear them for his program). I should of not fought it, not worried about the bath, then the entire pajama thing would not of been a thing, but I did, and it may or may not of made a difference to the outcome of the program, that I will never know but next time I will know better just in case. To continue with the sad story I took him to his program knowing he was mad but played his music we had been practicing for two weeks thinking by the time we got there he would be over it. Well, he was no longer mad but he still wanted nothing to do with his program. He sat next to me in a chair and would not move (normally we could not keep him in a chair, anyone that has been with Drew for more than 2 minutes knows this). Justin and I tried everything we could think of to convince (by convince I mean bribe) him to go on stage with his class. Nothing worked, not a 4wheeler ride, not a treat, not his own pop, not a new car, not even 50 bucks (not like he really knows what that means but I tried it anyways). He would just answer by saying "I just want to sit by you" So Drew refused to participate in his program which was sad but some kids just wont do it and that's OK. That day Drew was one of those kids, but we did get to watch Paige.
Posted by nataliejustin at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Christmas Tag from Melanie
- Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends on the gift (size, shape, half box, cant find a box that will fit it in to wrap it) but I hate crappy wrapping paper it ruins everything!
- Real tree or artificial? we were real tree people until 3 years ago. We had a couple of very disappointing years not finding the perfect tree and paying way to much for a junky one so we bought a fake prelit tree and love it.
- When do you put up the tree? It varies, this year it did not happen until the middle of the month but I would like to put it up after thanksgiving or at least the first week of Dec.
- When do you take it down? That varies as well, after Christmas I am done with the mess and the clutter but sometimes it takes me a few days to get to it.
- Do you like egg nog? Yes, but I have to dilute it with rum, I mean milk. Drew loves it and calls it Race Frog, I am not sure where that came from but its stuck.
- Favorite gift received as a child? My dad built me a Barbie Dream House, I still have it and its awesome.
- Easiest person to buy for? Paige and Drew, kids love everything
- Do you have a nativity scene? Yes I have the little people one and part of the Willow tree one.
- Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail of course, but I did not get to them this year, I am a slacker!
- Worst Christmas present ever received? I will not say so I don't hurt feelings, but Lisa knows because she got one too.
- Favorite Christmas movie? Charlie Brown Christmas, and Albert Finny Scrooge it was on T.V. today and I loved it.
- When do you start shopping for Christmas? It used to be July, but the past couple of years its been after I get done with Haylie and Morgans Birthdays in Nov.
- Ever recycled a Christmas Present? Nope
- Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Yolandas almond roca, but we have started a fondue tradition and that rules.
- Lights on tree? does anyone not do lights? I think no lights on a tree would be lame.
- Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? yes
- Favorite Christmas song? Santa Clause it coming to town by Bruce Springsteen
- Travel or stay home? There's no place like home for the holidays.
- Angel or star on top of tree? When Haylie was a baby we bought her a Winnie the Pooh in a angel outfit tree topper and we still use it.
- Open presents Christmas Eve or morning? We do the 1 present Christmas Eve which is always p.j's everything else is Christmas morning.
- Favorite Christmas Tradition? I love our parties we do one or two with family and one with friends.
- Favorite ornament, theme, or color? My tree has everything, the first year we were married I made some. I was in an ornament exchange with my neighbors when I lived in Spanish Fork and got a bunch. Of course all the ones from my kids that are the junkiest but the best ones I have.
- Favorite Christmas dinner? Lets say breakfast, every Christmas morning we go to Justins parents and his mom makes us a crepe breakfast, it is a tradition and the best Christmas meal.
- What do you want for Christmas this year? World Peace.
I tag Becca, Lisa, Yolanda, and Sandra
Posted by nataliejustin at 7:29 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I think I am going to have to hand in my 'I am a tough mom' membership card. I have been a mother for over 13 years now I have endured all sorts of disgusting things that comes with the territory of having children. I have been urinated on, pooped on, vomited on, sneezed on, coughed on, bleed on, you name it I have been in the path of it. I thought it would get easier over the years but I am having a rough time. It is all horrible and I know you just deal with it, change your shirt, take a shower, antibacterial wipes, whatever works and I have been dealing with it for years like every other mom in the world. So what has brought me to the edge is that Drew and Paige have been sick for weeks now and finally seem to be on the mend but every time I have to wipe their noses its all I can do to not gag and heave right in their faces. I seriously have to talk my self through it "just wipe it, throw it away, wash your hands, get it over with" I have done it so many times and its not getting easier for me. I know that I would rather wipe it then have to watch it dripping out of their noses into their mouths or down their face, or the worst is having Paiges hair all covered in it sticking to her face. I also hate it when they try to deal with it themselves and they wipe it on their sleeves, their bare arms, the couch, my bedding, their blankets, or my shirt (which happens a lot). So those things alone give me courage to wipe the dreaded snot of my children but still, it makes me sick. I should be better at this after 13 years but I am not so I am handing in my badge. Instead of my button saying "I am a tough mom" it will simply say "mom" or even better "mom that gags when she sees boogers".
Posted by nataliejustin at 11:39 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Glitter Toes Rule!
Posted by nataliejustin at 3:37 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
What Morgan did last night
Do you want to hear a funny story? Last night Haylie and Morgan decided to shovel the snow off our driveway. Justin was home so I decided to run downstairs and get some wrapping done. After a few minutes I hear Haylie come running in and tell Justin that Morgan slipped. Justin being the overly concerned parent that he is tells Haylie to go outside and tell Morgan to get up. The obvious solution when you slip, right? I'm overhearing from the basement so I did not catch what is said next but I hear Justin get up and go to the garage. Knowing him like I do he figures that Morgan fell down and is OK but is wanting some attention, she just wants him to come help her up. He is also thinking hes warm, he does not want to put on his shoes, so he will check out the situation from the garage and if shes not bleeding or screaming in agony he will tell her (from the garage) that shes OK and to get up. That way he avoids having to go outside. From the basement I hear him come back inside and he yells for me to come up. I jump up thinking shes hurt, normally Justin would just deal with it unless something was wrong. Is it her arm, her leg, her skull, broken bones, stitches? I come out of the basement and Justin says that he has to show me something. By his tone I know that its not serious, but it is worth seeing. I ask him if I should grab my camera and he say "its definitely some thing to post." Anyway we go outside and I cant see Morgan anywhere, Haylie is standing at the end of the Driveway (we have a very long driveway and on one side is a pretty steep hill). We walk up the where Haylie is standing and this is what I see.... Morgan somehow (I am positive goofing off was involved) Slipped of the Drive way and slid down the hillside and could not climb back up.
Posted by nataliejustin at 8:54 AM 6 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Busy Month!
November is always a crazy month for us, fun but so busy. I did post some in Nov but not very much family stuff so I decided to do a quick review and at the request of Garrit "more pictures less words" First, BED SET FOR SALE I need to put it on KSL but have not done it yet. It is a rustic pine queen size head board, foot board/bench, 2 bedside tables, 6 drawer dresser, and mirror (not pictured) It is in great shape but basically does not fit in Haylies room with her slanted ceilings. If anyone is in the market give me a call. For those of you that know I'm crazy are there ghosts in Haylies room or is it just dust?
My family ate Thanksgiving dinner at my sister-in-law Jonis house but I was a loser and forgot to take pictures. It was excellent which is no surprise, every meal at Jonis is excellent.
Posted by nataliejustin at 11:52 AM 4 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
"Drive" Wanted
I don't think I am a lazy person or a flake for that matter, but lately I feel like I have no "drive."
I am a fairly on the ball person, my house could be cleaner but I have 4 kids which means that there is always a mess some where. What I am talking about is the desire to accomplish/do stuff. I made a list and have 17 unfinished craft projects, some of them are very close to being done but they just sit, a couple hrs and I could have 16 projects to finish. I have things to organize, things to put away, Christmas is coming and I am usually done shopping now and I have not started. I have been a slacker on my house, laundry, exercise, and I was just wondering where I could get some "drive." I think about doing stuff but I don't. I need a swift kick in the pants or some of that 5hr energy stuff. Take some in the morning and maybe I can get something done. I know the grass always looks greener on the other side but I see women in the morning walking or running, in the freezing cold, up hill and as much as I am impressed by them I want to hit them with my car. Then I go to the grocery store at 9ish after I drop Drew off at preschool and there are women dressed all nice with their hair done and makeup on. I think "WOW, what time did you get up?" Right now its 5:30pm and I have yet to shower. I want to be one of those lady's with "drive" so if any of you on the ball women have any hints out there I would love it. Tell me where do I find "drive"?
Posted by nataliejustin at 4:06 PM 7 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
7 Random Things
I was tagged by Melanie to post 7 random things about me. Since everyone knows what a freak I am about Halloween I will just leave that one out. Also, I am a list writer but that is also well known so that will also be left out.
- I have a weird weakness for office supplies and plastic storage containers. I love folders, notebooks, paper clips, sticky notes,and especially pens and markers. I loved colored ink, I see a pack of Sharpies or pens and it takes a whole lot of will power to not buy some when ever I see them. Staples is heaven. As for plastic containers, who doesn't love a neatly stacked pile of plastic storage containers? I do not feel like I am a real organized person, but buying PSC give me the illusion of being that way. I love dividing stuff into PSC it gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Plus they have starting making them in a lot of fun colors which makes them that much more appealing to me. I do love all organizational containers but PSC are my favorite.
- Nothing beats the high I get when I do something creative and like the finished project. It doesn't matter if its crafts, sewing, scrap booking, quilting, decorating, drawing, painting, making jewelry, or any thing else. I love getting an idea, figuring out how to make/do/build whatever it is at the time, finishing it and seeing what I just did. On the other hand it is a huge let down for me when I go through my creation process and do not love my results. Usually I can figure out a way to change it and make whatever I am doing better so most of the time things are OK. The feeling I get when I make something I love is hard to beat.
- I dance and sing around the house all day. I am a horrible dancer and an even worse singer but I love it and my babies love it. I make up stupid songs to sing to them, or we sing songs from their shows, or we have actual music on and sing and dance around. Drew and Paige both join in and they think its great. We have some favorites and Drew makes sure we never miss when they are on.
- I know this may come as a shock to some of you but I have no style! I have not liked the way I look for so long and as a result have not really cared about what I wear or what I do with my hair and makeup. I am a perfect candidate for the T.V. show "What not to Wear." I have also realized that if I do ever achieve a body I want to dress I am not sure where to even start. Becca says that everything I need is at Buckle so I will probably start there. Honestly though, what do 30ish women wear? I see teenage styles and Granny styles what is the happy in between?
- I hate ceiling fans! Not necessarily the looks of them, but who wants wind inside the house? I thought it was a contact thing and I was just annoyed because they dried out my eyes. Now that I have had lasik I realized that my hate toward them goes a lot deeper than dry eyes. The noise they make (especially if its a cheap one) drives me crazy! I cant help but concentrate on it and it just seems to get louder and louder. Then the wind, seriously, I stay inside so my hair wont blow in my eyes. I know that they are sometimes handy especially when its hot and they to help circulate air and all that, but I really cant stand them!
- This one is a little personal but has really been on my mind lately. I am terrified to try to run again. Last year when I started training for the 1/2 marathon I got stress fractures in both my legs. At first I just figured it was the usual pains people get when they are doing something new. After a while I noticed that it was getting worse and some times so painful that I couldn't physically make myself run another step. I went to a doctor and was given exercises and stretches to do to prevent it from happening again but was told I could not run for a while. "Let pain be my guide" was what he said. So now its been a while and I am itching to start again. As much as I complained about running I loved it, and even though I started at the very bottom and my improvement was not much compared to most I was proud of what I was doing and was so disappointed when I had to stop. It was a huge let down for me on so many levels and I guess I don't want to be disappointed again.
- I love ghost stories! I don't have a strong opinion on if they exist or not. I have been told stories by some people who I have never known to lie but have never encountered any thing myself. I guess anythings possible but I love watching shows like Haunted History, Americas Most Haunted, Haunted Travels, my favorite show I cant remember the name of but the guys call themselves TAPS. I don't know why I am so intrigued, I cant help it. They are a mystery and I never know what to think when the shows end. Are these people nuts? are there a lot of pranksters? are there ghosts? is that an orb or just dust on that photograph? I just don't know.
I asked Justin for some ideas and he could not think of much so maybe I am not so weird. He said to put something about how I am always reading, or how for some reason when I am pregnant I always move furniture around, or how I secretly want to hunt all the time (yea right, he wishes) but I went with my other ideas they seemed more interesting.
I tag Lisa, Becca, Jared, Sandra, and Yolanda (another atempt to get her blogging again)
Posted by nataliejustin at 8:41 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I have a TEENAGER!
Its crazy how time flies. Thirteen, yes thirteen years ago I had the tiniest, sweetest little baby girl. I did not have a clue on how to raise a baby but I knew I loved her and things would be fine. Thirteen, yes thirteen years later I have the sweetest girl you've ever met. Haylie has such a kind tender spirit. She loves animals and loves people and wants everyone to be OK and included whenever shes around. She always finds the left out kid and asks if they want to play. She has been such a big helper and an awesome big sister. Whenever Drew would get in trouble, or told no, which is just at traumatic, he would always run to Haylie knowing he would get plenty of loves from her. I am so so so so (that's 4 so's) proud of Haylie, she is such a fun girl to have around I couldn't ask for a sweeter kid. Happy Birthday my beautiful teenager, I am so proud of you and I know that you have touched many hearts and that this world is a better place because you're in it! I love you bug lady!
Posted by nataliejustin at 8:14 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Full Moon!
I bet by my title you all thought you were going to see a picture of someones buttocks. Sorry friends. no such luck. I am talking about the actual moon. This morning at 6:17a.m. I noticed that my room was really bright. At first it was the dreaded, did I sleep in? Then I looked at my clock, 6:17 no I did not sleep in. Did my neighbors get the brightest spot light and installed it yesterday? What was the deal? So being the genius I am, I looked out the window. It was most beautiful, full moon I have ever seen. I don't know if the sky was just so clear that it was finally able to shine in all its glory, or if Heavenly Father ran out of 60watt and had to use the 100watt until he could get to the store to buy more bulbs. It was honestly remarkable, it reminded me of a picture in one of those slide shows that they play along with inspiring, tear jerking church music to remind us of our Savior and to show how glorious the universe is. Being part Indian I have always been close to mother earth, an admirer of nature, if you will, but posting about about such things is a bit different from my usual stuff so sorry about the sensitivity. It may be more of a journal entry than something to post, I don't know, but no matter, it was brilliant! We really do live in such a marvelous world! Please Don't Liter!
P.S. Apple cores and banana peels are ok.
Posted by nataliejustin at 1:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Kids Rule!
I took Drew and Paige to get their pictures done when Morgan had her school pictures. For some reason I got a disk of Drew's and Paige's so I am able to post them, but did not get one for Haylies and Morgans (note to self....BUY A SCANNER). I don't remember ordering a disk but that really does not mean much these days. Drew looks so handsome, this picture reminds me of every picture I've seen of Justin that age. Always a big cheesy grin, I love it! I love this picture of Paige! What a punk! 1:30 is not a good time for Paige to have pictures taken, any other day she would be taking a nap. This is what we got so I kept it, and yes, I hung it on my wall. She is the sweetest girl but is frequently referred to as "Princess Pest of the Earth" so this picture, in a way is sooo Paige but it is also a bummer that we couldn't get a picture that showed her sweet side.
If you cant tell, I am holding her down. All I ask is 5 seconds, sit look at the camera, smile, its not so hard.
Posted by nataliejustin at 4:42 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I'm a Doris?
I got this off of my friend Ambers blog and thought it was funny so I copied. Try it, its fun!
Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...
You Are a Doris!
You are a Doris -- "I must help others."
Dorises are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's needs.
How to Get Along with Me- * Tell me that you appreciate me. Be specific.
- * Share fun times with me.
- * Take an interest in my problems, though I will probably try to focus on yours.
- * Let me know that I am important and special to you.
- * Be gentle if you decide to criticize me.
- * Reassure me that I am interesting to you.
- * Reassure me often that you love me.
- * Tell me I'm attractive and that you're glad to be seen with me.
- * being able to relate easily to people and to make friends
- * knowing what people need and being able to make their lives better
- * being generous, caring, and warm
- * being sensitive to and perceptive about others' feelings
- * being enthusiastic and fun-loving, and having a good sense of humor
- * not being able to say no
- * having low self-esteem
- * feeling drained from overdoing for others
- * not doing things I really like to do for myself for fear of being selfish
- * criticizing myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should
- * being upset that others don't tune in to me as much as I tume in to them
- * working so hard to be tactful and considerate that I suppress my real feelings
- * are very sensitive to disapproval and criticism
- * try hard to please their parents by being helpful and understanding
- * are outwardly compliant
- * are popular or try to be popular with other children
- * act coy, precocious, or dramatic in order to get attention
- * are clowns and jokers (the more extroverted Dorises), or quiet and shy (the more introverted Dorises)
- * are good listeners, love their children unconditionally, and are warm and encouraging (or suffer guilt if they aren't)
- * are often playful with their children
- * wonder: "Am I doing it right?" "Am I giving enough?" "Have I caused irreparable damage?"
- * can become fiercely protective
Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz at
Posted by nataliejustin at 2:27 PM 1 comments
Just things
I have been having a few random thoughts lately so my lucky blogging audience gets to see inside the weirdness of my head.
- I wish my scrapbook pages would turn out as cute as they look in my head when I start them.
- I wish I took better photos for my pages.
- I like high ceilings but how in the crap am I supposed to change my light bulbs (I have three out).
- Why does everything made with tomatoes taste so yummy when tomatoes are so nasty.
- I wish I had the drive to start finishing up projects, some of them are close to being done and some I have a long ways to go, but I have so many. That list has nothing crossed off.
- I would love a good nights sleep.
- I need to exercise more I am starting to feel old and creaky.
- Why are older kids so hard to shop for (Birthday and Christmas Presents)
- Why do they keep changing the shapes of Ipods so you cant find an armband or case for them?
- Why is it so fun for Paige to climb out the cat door and put the cat food in the cats water?
- Why don't we have a Costco in southern Utah County?
- I wish my house was not so blah and I had some inspiration to start decorating.
- I wish some one would buy Haylies bedroom set (its my fault I have not actually put it up for sale yet, but still).
- I wish I could find an in-between jacket for my little ones, coats are to hot and I am worried that little zip up knit ones are not warm enough.
- Car problems are lame!
- I have so many ideas but I hardly do or make any of them I wish I would.
- Why cant anyone but me take a picture with my camera?
- Sacrament meeting needs a sound booth for kids so I can actually go and stay through and entire meeting.
- Paige has a crazy language all her own, she knows what shes saying but no one else does.
- I make lists because I am losing it, and if Its not written down I forget.
- If I got roller blades would I kill myself trying? I know I can roller skate but are roller skates in? and should I buy my kids Rollerblades or skates?
- I know potty trained toddlers are good but at the same time its so inconvenient.
- I wish that there were more warm drinks that I could have and still keep the word of wisdom.
- I love slipper socks!
- My bathroom is FREEZING!
That's all for now, if you have the answers to some of my questions I would love some input!
Posted by nataliejustin at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Morgan!!
Ten years ago I was the most miserable pregnant lady ever. Ok, probally not ever but I am never a happy pregnant person. My nice Doctor induced me on the morning of November 6th and I had a 9lbs 3oz, 18 inches long baby girl at 7:42 in the evening. Thats right 9lbs 3oz, HUGE! and a total suprise because Haylie was only 5lbs 9oz. I thought that I would have another small baby so when this toddler came out I was a little shocked. She was beautiful with dark hair and had the chubbiest cheeks. Of course you fall in love instantly and cant imagine your life without her in it. Morgan is such an awesome girl. She has so much personality and is perfectly at ease being the center of attention (like her dad). Morgan is very creative and very smart which is great but can also be very bad, and messy. She is always coming up with crazy ideas, usually pulling Drew into it, and luckily for Morgan he is more that eager to play along. We love Morgan so much she is one of a kind and I am glad we got her. Nothing is beyond her grasp, I know that whatever Morgan wants to do she will and will be great at it. I love you little Morgan and I am so very proud of you. Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and the world will be yours. Happy 10th Birthday! I hope you have a great day!
Posted by nataliejustin at 8:34 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A sad day for Drew
Today was very traumatic for my sweet little boy. I will start the sadness by telling you how much Drew loves preschool. He is always asking if its Tuesday or Thursday because he knows those are the days he goes to school. Monday and Wednesday nights are easy to get him to bed because all we have to do is tell him that he has school the next day. He loves the kids at school, when we pulled up the first day and saw all the kids he said "look mom, its all my friends!" He feels so big in his backpack and loves that he gets to go to school like his sisters do. Everyday after school we go through his backpack and admire his artwork or whatever happens to be in his bag and he is so proud. Anyways, this morning he woke up excited, as usual for any day that he gets to go to preschool. I took him to school and it was going to be a great day because it was brown show-and-tell day and Drew got to take his bear with him. When I got there to pick him up after school I went to the door and noticed that he was crying, which is very strange because he is in the best place ever, School. His teacher brought him over and said that he and another boy got into a fight. Over what? I am not sure, Drew was crying and needed loves so I just got the basics, but apparently this boy punched Drew and gave him a bloody nose. Drew was heart broken . I think his feelings were hurt as much as his face. Drew is so sweet and does not have a violent bone in his body and the fact that one of his "friends" could actually punch him in the nose, I think was just to much for him. I know kids are kids and maybe Drew was being a pest but come on, no one hits my Drew, hes just to nice. In the car he was telling me that Davey was bad, that he hated him , and the worst insult "Davey is not my friend!" As much as my protective motherly instincts wanted to go back and give this Davey, and his mom, a bloody nose I tried to calm Drew down and tell him that maybe this boy was having a bad day and that he would be nice on Thursday. The teacher said that the boy did apologize so I guess forgiveness is a good lesson. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Henderson's and they helped Drew feel better, I think that he just needed lots of loves to mend his little heart. He seemed to feel better tonight, I on the other hand have seriously been sick to my stomach all day. Obviously there is nothing I could of done to prevent it but no one wants to see their child get hurt or have his feelings hurt. When Haylie and Morgan got home from school I told them (not around Drew because I did not want to remind him) and they were really upset about it. Both of them went right to him and gave him a hug, I thought it was sweet that they were also in instant protective mode for their little brother. I know these things happen but I did not want him to experience something like this, ever, but also so small when he has such a innocent outlook on life. He is so friendly and loves everyone, its just a sad sad day.
Posted by nataliejustin at 8:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Fun!!!
Halloween is such a busy time there is always so much going on, it seems like the festivities last for days (which for me is just fine). So our craziness started Thursday when Drew's preschool had their Costume Parade. This is Drew with Emery. Drew insisted on holding her hand, I thought it was very cute. These two usually get along great. I have only witnessed a couple of time when they fight but normally they are pals.
Posted by nataliejustin at 5:57 PM 6 comments