Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Family Christmas party

Sunday we had a family Christmas Party with my family, both my brothers and their family's, and my mom and sister. We are starting a new tradition and doing fondue Christmas from now on. This was our spread, Justin and Jay sat next to the cheese and chocolate and ate and ate and ate. Then we decided to have a photo shoot. This is me, Katie, Lisa, and Leslie. My camera was taking crappy pictures so I am kind of bummed.

This is Justins belly, Tavises belly, and Jays belly. I am not sure why but they had a hard time keeping them covered.
This is actually our second picture of all the cousins together. It is very cute but Paige and Drew were not really in the mood.
This was our first cousin picture, all the kids were happy, excited, smiling, then we noticed Justin in the back ground. He thinks hes funny but we will have that picture forever.
2 Christmas party's down, 1 to go. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Friend/Family Christmas/Jazz Party

Every year we have a Christmas party with our friends I call it a friends/family party because the Mosers are pretty much family to us and some of the Mosers actual family go plus other friends come, so anyways we have done this for about 4 or 5 years now. It is always fun we have presents, food, sometimes games, sometimes crafts, but always a good time. I was a bit of a slacker on the camera but got a few shots so decided to post those. Drews present was Play-doh, he was so excited and would not let go of it. Morgan got an art kit and asked if her and Ethan could play with it. I said sure, not realizing it was paint and not markers so, sorry Yolanda I would never knowingly let my child open paints in someone elses house.

Paige did get markers, much to Morgans delight because she knows she gets to use them. Paige was more interested in the candy.

Haylie got a puzzle, much to my delight because I like puzzles.

This is just a not so great shot of Kula, Emery, and Drew but I am posting it anyways.

This is Morgan and Brent watching the Jazz game. I think they won, I need to pay more attention. This party is one of our traditions and I hope we continue it for many years.

Drews Christmas preschool program

On the day of Drew's very first preschool program he woke up on the wrong side of McQueen (he has a lightening McQueen race car bed). Of all days to be ornery and not wake up his happy usual self it was the day of his program. He did not want to take a bath but I made him, and after his bath he thought it was stupid that I put him back in pajamas (he was supposed to wear them for his program). I should of not fought it, not worried about the bath, then the entire pajama thing would not of been a thing, but I did, and it may or may not of made a difference to the outcome of the program, that I will never know but next time I will know better just in case. To continue with the sad story I took him to his program knowing he was mad but played his music we had been practicing for two weeks thinking by the time we got there he would be over it. Well, he was no longer mad but he still wanted nothing to do with his program. He sat next to me in a chair and would not move (normally we could not keep him in a chair, anyone that has been with Drew for more than 2 minutes knows this). Justin and I tried everything we could think of to convince (by convince I mean bribe) him to go on stage with his class. Nothing worked, not a 4wheeler ride, not a treat, not his own pop, not a new car, not even 50 bucks (not like he really knows what that means but I tried it anyways). He would just answer by saying "I just want to sit by you" So Drew refused to participate in his program which was sad but some kids just wont do it and that's OK. That day Drew was one of those kids, but we did get to watch Paige.

Paige went to the stage, in front of everyone and danced, and hopped, and waved her arms when the kids on stage did. She wanted to be on stage with Drew's preschool class. Drew did not perform but Paige did so it was still worth the snowy trip. Then when the program was over Santa came as a suprise to see the kids.

Before I knew it Paige had walked over by herself and climbed on Santa's lap. Shes not scared, she'll dance in her brothers program and jump on a strangers lap, no problem. That's Paige though, one I have to look out for because shes not afraid of strangers. Paige got a candy cane after she sat on Santa lap and went back two more times thinking she'd get more and cried when we tried to get her to leave.

Drew on the other hand did not want to see Santa. I got him close twice and he chickened out. After a lot of coaxing and telling him that Santa had a treat for him but he could not get it unless he sat on Santa's lap, he finally did. Normally I would not of cared if he sat on his lap or not but I wanted a picture. So anyways, our first program did not go as we hoped but what can you do? Maybe next time.

Christmas Tag from Melanie

  1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends on the gift (size, shape, half box, cant find a box that will fit it in to wrap it) but I hate crappy wrapping paper it ruins everything!
  2. Real tree or artificial? we were real tree people until 3 years ago. We had a couple of very disappointing years not finding the perfect tree and paying way to much for a junky one so we bought a fake prelit tree and love it.
  3. When do you put up the tree? It varies, this year it did not happen until the middle of the month but I would like to put it up after thanksgiving or at least the first week of Dec.
  4. When do you take it down? That varies as well, after Christmas I am done with the mess and the clutter but sometimes it takes me a few days to get to it.
  5. Do you like egg nog? Yes, but I have to dilute it with rum, I mean milk. Drew loves it and calls it Race Frog, I am not sure where that came from but its stuck.
  6. Favorite gift received as a child? My dad built me a Barbie Dream House, I still have it and its awesome.
  7. Easiest person to buy for? Paige and Drew, kids love everything
  8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes I have the little people one and part of the Willow tree one.
  9. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail of course, but I did not get to them this year, I am a slacker!
  10. Worst Christmas present ever received? I will not say so I don't hurt feelings, but Lisa knows because she got one too.
  11. Favorite Christmas movie? Charlie Brown Christmas, and Albert Finny Scrooge it was on T.V. today and I loved it.
  12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? It used to be July, but the past couple of years its been after I get done with Haylie and Morgans Birthdays in Nov.
  13. Ever recycled a Christmas Present? Nope
  14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Yolandas almond roca, but we have started a fondue tradition and that rules.
  15. Lights on tree? does anyone not do lights? I think no lights on a tree would be lame.
  16. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? yes
  17. Favorite Christmas song? Santa Clause it coming to town by Bruce Springsteen
  18. Travel or stay home? There's no place like home for the holidays.
  19. Angel or star on top of tree? When Haylie was a baby we bought her a Winnie the Pooh in a angel outfit tree topper and we still use it.
  20. Open presents Christmas Eve or morning? We do the 1 present Christmas Eve which is always p.j's everything else is Christmas morning.
  21. Favorite Christmas Tradition? I love our parties we do one or two with family and one with friends.
  22. Favorite ornament, theme, or color? My tree has everything, the first year we were married I made some. I was in an ornament exchange with my neighbors when I lived in Spanish Fork and got a bunch. Of course all the ones from my kids that are the junkiest but the best ones I have.
  23. Favorite Christmas dinner? Lets say breakfast, every Christmas morning we go to Justins parents and his mom makes us a crepe breakfast, it is a tradition and the best Christmas meal.
  24. What do you want for Christmas this year? World Peace.

I tag Becca, Lisa, Yolanda, and Sandra

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I think I am going to have to hand in my 'I am a tough mom' membership card. I have been a mother for over 13 years now I have endured all sorts of disgusting things that comes with the territory of having children. I have been urinated on, pooped on, vomited on, sneezed on, coughed on, bleed on, you name it I have been in the path of it. I thought it would get easier over the years but I am having a rough time. It is all horrible and I know you just deal with it, change your shirt, take a shower, antibacterial wipes, whatever works and I have been dealing with it for years like every other mom in the world. So what has brought me to the edge is that Drew and Paige have been sick for weeks now and finally seem to be on the mend but every time I have to wipe their noses its all I can do to not gag and heave right in their faces. I seriously have to talk my self through it "just wipe it, throw it away, wash your hands, get it over with" I have done it so many times and its not getting easier for me. I know that I would rather wipe it then have to watch it dripping out of their noses into their mouths or down their face, or the worst is having Paiges hair all covered in it sticking to her face. I also hate it when they try to deal with it themselves and they wipe it on their sleeves, their bare arms, the couch, my bedding, their blankets, or my shirt (which happens a lot). So those things alone give me courage to wipe the dreaded snot of my children but still, it makes me sick. I should be better at this after 13 years but I am not so I am handing in my badge. Instead of my button saying "I am a tough mom" it will simply say "mom" or even better "mom that gags when she sees boogers".

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Glitter Toes Rule!

Glitter Toes rule! Melanie, Leslie, Lisa, and I went to Primrose Retreat in Spanish Fork to have a pedicure and get Glitter Toes. It was a super fun girls outing in honor of us being so awesome and deserving to do something awesome for our selves. I love them they are so fun and so bright! I am a bit worried though because now all regular polish will seem dull. My regular toe polish is usually very flashy so saying that's dull just shows how bright Glitter Toes really are.
Mine are Green, Melanie's are red, Lisa's are blue, and Leslie's are Silver and they all rule. This is only day two of my Glitter Toes high but they are supposed to last a long time. Thanks for an awesome time Lady's we need to make this a tradition. I had a blast and I love you all!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What Morgan did last night

Do you want to hear a funny story? Last night Haylie and Morgan decided to shovel the snow off our driveway. Justin was home so I decided to run downstairs and get some wrapping done. After a few minutes I hear Haylie come running in and tell Justin that Morgan slipped. Justin being the overly concerned parent that he is tells Haylie to go outside and tell Morgan to get up. The obvious solution when you slip, right? I'm overhearing from the basement so I did not catch what is said next but I hear Justin get up and go to the garage. Knowing him like I do he figures that Morgan fell down and is OK but is wanting some attention, she just wants him to come help her up. He is also thinking hes warm, he does not want to put on his shoes, so he will check out the situation from the garage and if shes not bleeding or screaming in agony he will tell her (from the garage) that shes OK and to get up. That way he avoids having to go outside. From the basement I hear him come back inside and he yells for me to come up. I jump up thinking shes hurt, normally Justin would just deal with it unless something was wrong. Is it her arm, her leg, her skull, broken bones, stitches? I come out of the basement and Justin says that he has to show me something. By his tone I know that its not serious, but it is worth seeing. I ask him if I should grab my camera and he say "its definitely some thing to post." Anyway we go outside and I cant see Morgan anywhere, Haylie is standing at the end of the Driveway (we have a very long driveway and on one side is a pretty steep hill). We walk up the where Haylie is standing and this is what I see.... Morgan somehow (I am positive goofing off was involved) Slipped of the Drive way and slid down the hillside and could not climb back up.

So of course I decided to document the moment and even in her distress she did not hesitate to pose and make a face for the picture.

Justin has to climb part way down the hill, grab her arm and pull her up.

She was not hurt in anyway so a post-rescue photo was taken. Justin is a hero!

Then shes comes into the house and Justin notices that her hair is full of stickers. I had already gone back to wrapping and heard Justin call me back up stairs. What now? was my first thought. I go up stairs and see him trying to pull these stickers out of her hair. He needed my professional mom opinion, Is there an easier way to get these out? Butter? Should she wash her hair? I decided that the best thing to do was just get them out so they would not get more tangled.
After a few painful minutes this is what we pulled out. A hand full of stickers with equal amounts of hair. Call me a bad mom but I though the whole ordeal was hilarious and had to share.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Busy Month!

November is always a crazy month for us, fun but so busy. I did post some in Nov but not very much family stuff so I decided to do a quick review and at the request of Garrit "more pictures less words" First, BED SET FOR SALE I need to put it on KSL but have not done it yet. It is a rustic pine queen size head board, foot board/bench, 2 bedside tables, 6 drawer dresser, and mirror (not pictured) It is in great shape but basically does not fit in Haylies room with her slanted ceilings. If anyone is in the market give me a call. For those of you that know I'm crazy are there ghosts in Haylies room or is it just dust?

Our first snow in Nov. I thought it was the beginning of a long wet winter but we haven't had any snow since. Paige and Drew had a blast except Paige kept taking off her gloves and her hands got real cold.

Dramatic Fanatic was the theme for Morgans Birthday party. She did a Mystery Mansion who-done-it party where all the girls played a part and figured out a mystery. They had a blast, very fun idea if anyone needs party ideas.

Why did the turkeys cross the road? no clue, but they did right in front of me just down the road from my house. So far I have seen turkeys, deer, elk, chipmunks, squirrels, bunnys, birds, cats, dogs, a fox, and heard coyotes up by my house. I live in the forest!

Morgan had a county fair project where all the kids picked a county and did a display about it. We picked Morgan county (of course) which turned out to be the most boring county in Utah.

Paige is still silly and yes she still has a binki. I need to soak all the tips in vinegar or something so she wont want them.

Haylie invited a handful of friends to Color Me Mine for her birthday party. I love that place and want to go back soon. Pictured left to right Mcall, Hailey, Haylie, Haley, Kayla, and Sam.

Sometimes I am just to tired. Drew is always go go go but on this particular day he just couldn't keep his eyes open.

I went to the Twilight midnight showing. I had a blast and actually loved the movie even with all its corniness. I have not laughed so hard in a long time which was bad because Millissa (the shortest girl in the picture) and I were the only ones in the theater that thought it was funny.

This is me with Sandra. She was the one that invited me to go in the first place and got our tickets. So thank you Sandra (she also did our shirts) I appreciate it!

Lisa and I Thanksgiving morning went shopping at 6a.m. We were skunked at Kmart but first in line and successful at Shopko! It was fun, we almost did black Friday but decided not to (thank goodness)

My family ate Thanksgiving dinner at my sister-in-law Jonis house but I was a loser and forgot to take pictures. It was excellent which is no surprise, every meal at Jonis is excellent.

Saturday after Thanksgiving we had a taco night with my dad and Esther, J's family, Tavises family, and my Family. This is Drew, Brady, and Mia playing in Drews and Paiges closet.

Same night this is Paige, Mia, and Parker. They are the cutest kids!
That is all for November or at least what I took pictures of.