Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pretend like I've been here all along

A little story about Christmas carols. The other day I was singing Christmas songs with Paige and Drew. I was singing Silent Night and both kids were really interested which surprised me because its not as catchy as Rudolf and Frosty. So on to the second verse that says "Tender and light, mild, bright" whatever it is (I was making it up because I forgot the actual lyrics), and Drew starting laughing his head off. Well if you have seen Kung Fu Panda you know that when he gets kicked he says "ooh, my tenders" of course Drew picked up on that and thinks its hilarious and of course repeats its often. So I was singing Silent Night one of the sweetest Christmas songs and Drew thought I was singing about 'tenders'. So for us, sadly, Silent Night will always mean something different. Seriously funny, and so Drew.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Drew!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Handsome Man!!! We Love You!!!!!

These awesome pictures were taken by my little brother Tavis:)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New blogger

Morgan has started a blog, if you thought she was crazy before you have no idea:) If you are interested it is at

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

14 years!

I love you hunny:)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blogging Slacker!

I have been a big blogging slacker. I was going to catch up by doing a bunch of different posts but decided to pick one photo from each thing and throw it all into one post and try to do better in the future. Morgan and Drew building train tracks. Drew loves to have Morgan play trains with him, she only wants to on rare occasions but they were both very proud of this one and wanted a picture of it.

This is Drew on a horse riding field trip. It was supposed to be at a barn but due to rain and a very muddy barn it ended up being at the horse owners house. Every kid got to ride Ruby and Drew was perm-a-grin the entire time.

This is my jogging stroller. In order for me to be able to go on my walks I need the kids entertained. Well of course we take food and toys and after a couple weeks of walking this is what my stroller looked like. It has been cleaned out twice since but I feel it is well worth it so I can go on my walks.

Morgan had a school carnival, Drews face pretty much sums up how fun it was. The babies were so tired it was just not a good night for us. Morgan enjoyed herself, Drew on and off, Paige was miserable (there was not much for her to do so she mainly stayed in the stroller), Haylie had a good time but was more concerned about leaving because it was the night of her last school dance and wanted to get there, and I, well, If I as an adult could get away with what Drew is doing I would of loved to.

Tradition for the last 5-6 years has been the day before Mothers day we do Race for the Cure. This year we had a big group and had awesome shirts that said 'Save the Ta Ta's' It is always a memorable day but this year we had some fun additions that made the day so much better.

Morgan had her Hershey Track Meet. She took 2nd in the 400, then 1st in the 100, then 1st again in the 100 semi-finals, then tied for 2nd or 3rd in the finals (she said her and the other girl were close but neither sure who was actually came in first). Good job Morgan!!!

Then we had a Barney ladies party. My mom and aunts were invited along with all daughters and daughter-in-laws. It was so much fun visiting and getting to know each other better.

This is another shot of the ladies party, we have cute girls.
So this is May so far, I will do better for the last part of may.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I just wanted to give a quick thanks to my friends. I feel like I've been blessed and have such great people in my life. Lately, on many different occasions my friends have some how done, or said, or wrote, or brought the exact thing I needed to have, hear, see, read, do (you get the idea). I hate to get mushy but, I love you (and you should all know who you are). Thanks for being so awesome!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring? Is it here?

I am so excited for spring to get here. It seems like we have been sick and stuck inside for months. Yesterday we were able to do a bunch a fun stuff that we have not been able to do because of the weather. First we played bubbles

Then we played chalk.

Then we played in the dirt (i decided that my kids don't need a swing set, a big pile of dirt is all they need to keep them busy) We went to Justin's sisters house to see there baby horse Drew took a peek then spent most of his time in the dirt.

Then Paige, She found herself a comfy little spot to take a rest. Silly girl, she loves animals and this cat, loves Paige.

Easter Day!

Easter was a little different this year for us. We usually have a day filled with egg hunts, breakfasts, lunches, Parties. This year we had 2 sick babies so I spent most of the day at home with them. Art by, Morgan Henderson

The girls were able to go do all the activities and had a fun day. The Easter Bunny always leaves eggs around our house for the kids to find. Morgan is a super egg finder.

Paige was not sure what to do with herself, she was in slow motion.

Haylie was a big help for the Little ones and helped them search for eggs.

Speed Racer rules! Drew loves Speed Racer and was so excited to have his very own wii game.

Birthday Dinner

Justin's birthday was spent coloring eggs and taking care of sick kids but we did manage to have an early dinner at Tucanos. It was good as always and a lot of fun. Thanks for those who came and catch us next time for those that couldn't make it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Hunny!

Today my Foxy man turns 34! that's right 34. I've been hanging around this guy for over twenty years, and I'm not sick of him yet. I love this guy! and I'll spare my blogging friends the mushy stuff. Happy Birthday Hunny! (intentionally spelled like poohs treat) I love you much!

Friday, April 10, 2009

This is what I was talking about

Last night at book club us moms were sharing silly things that our kids do and discussing why its so hard to keep a clean house. I told them about Paige, and how shes this crazy tornado and you cant keep up with her. So I decided to post this picture in reference to our talk even though the picture is a couple of months old. This is Paige and Drew helping me with the laundry. This is not an occasional occurrence, this is every time. This only shows laundry, it does not show her climbing in the dishwasher, emptying cupboards, dumping out cat food, or any of the other things we discussed. This is my Paige, sometimes Drew is involved (hes usually content just to make a mess with his toys) but not Paige. So lady's we are not alone in our never ending mess. People keep saying one day we'll miss the mess and I'm sure they are right but today I'd really love to not have cereal all over the floor.

Did you make up dances in 4th grade?

I did, to Flashdances, What a feeling, with my friend Shandy Chambers (that I have not seen since 7th Grade) Madisen and Morgan had a sleep over and spent the night making up dances to Taylor Swift songs and If I remember right Avril Lavigne. They set up chairs and had a performance, which I admit was very entertaining.

This is Morgan in her finest and I agree with what Madisen has to be thinking "Morgan is nuts!"

April Fools!

I know I'm a little late but I had to share. Haylie came home from school and really wanted to play a trick on Morgan. She wanted to saran wrap the toilet but I thought that was gross so we decided to wrap an elastic around the sprayer on the sink (I'd much rather clean up water than, well, you know). So we did it and when Morgan got home I asked her if she would rinse out Drew's cup and refill it. She did and it was funny! The picture is blurry because I was laughing so hard but you get the idea.

This is the after shot. She was soaked, the kitchen was soaked, but it was so worth it!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Happiest Girls Trip on Earth!!

Guess who went to Disneyland?

Guess who went on the Tower of Terror 3 times, and totally thought it was worth it to wait in line 75 min to end our trip with going on the coolest ride ever?

Guess who got a fast pass?

Guess who danced with Chip, or Dale?

Guess who has to go to IHOP to get her Dr. Pepper fix?

Guess who was stuck in Its a small world for hrs (not Really, but a long time) when the ride broke down, and who got the entire boat to sing and do Woos!!! really loud, and was glad that we were at least, stuck in the Indian section?

Guess who wore matching shirts and Minnie ears for 3 days?

WE DID!!!! Disneyland was such a blast! Thank you Lady's for such a fun time! Everything but the blister was perfect, I couldn't imagine a better time. I love U guys, HOSOCK!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Random thoughts

  • I need a Bosh.
  • I love magazines, especially home decorating or crafting ones. I buy them all the time and only have a subscription to 1. I need to subscribe to more.
  • I'm so excited for warm weather.
  • I need to use up my scrapbooking stuff, I have so many supplies I need to get crackin'.
  • Pets are expensive.
  • Rock Band is fun, whom ever invented it is a genius.
  • I like owls, I've seen a few random owl things lately and I'm loving them.
  • I'm excited for The Happiest Girls Trip on Earth.
  • Face Book is stealing all my blogging friends and it makes me sad:(
  • I want to decorate my house and make it a home and not just a place we live.
  • I need to win the lottery so I can decorate my house.
  • 2 of my favorite people are going to be living way to far away. Nothing will change but it seems a bit strange.
  • Book club is one of my favorite things.
  • Mania and/or scrap nights are one of my favorite things.
  • I love Harry Potter, I can read the books and watch the movies over and over and I am so excited for the next movie.
  • I wish I would of done more with my art when I was younger and had more professional instruction.
  • I want to take the oil painting class at Roberts craft.
  • I want to paint Drew and Paiges room in Cars fashion, I know its a huge job so I need to prepare wisely.
  • I love my friends/cousins/sister-in-laws/niece-in-laws and feel blessed that they are a part of my life. I am surrounded by great people.
  • Sid the Science Kid is an awesome show.
  • Potty training is lame.
  • I have 1 acre of un-landscaped land and with the snow melted off it, it is looking like a huge project.
  • My kids are growing up way to fast.
  • Toddlers make the little things you do seem spectacular, "Did you potty on the toilet mom?" "Yes I did" "Good job Mom, give me a high five"
  • I need a pedicure, anyone want to come?
  • I have not had my hair done for........ I cant even remember when, and it looks horrible!
  • I need to clean my couch and don't know how.
  • I wish Paige would hold still so I could paint her nails.
  • I'm in a slump, I need to start organizing/cleaning again.
  • I wish there were more restaurants in the Spanish Fork/Salem area.
  • I want to go to Europe.
  • Vegas has gotten pretty gross in the last five or so years.
  • Laundry for 6 stinks!
  • I actually an excited to start going camping.
  • I need to stop making so many lists and just do stuff.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Paige turns 2!

My cute baby is now 2 years old. We had a party for her on Sunday and I do not think she realized everyone was there for her until we set her down to unwrap her gifts.

I loved this picture with all the other kids around Paige, Oooooh! Fire! She attempted to blow out her candle and sort of did it on her own. I was surprised she knew what to do.

Thanks to everyone that came to celebrate our Paige's special day with us. She has loved all her toys, and I have loved all her clothes (so has she actually, shes a clothes girl). We enjoyed spending time with all you and appreciate your friendships. Happy Birthday sweet Paige, we love you!

Family Vegas Vacation

We took the kids on a little vacation to Las Vegas, we thought about San Diego but decided against driving toddlers that far and in Vegas we could also visit my Dad. So we found some of the very few family attractions that Vegas has to offer and ended up having a great time. This is Paige at the Circus Circus theme park. I took a picture of Drew with this scary clown the last time we were there and had to get one of Paige too.

Drew likes rides, he laughed and giggled on ride he went on. I don't think at 3 I was as brave as he is. He went on most things alone because he is the only one his size and had no problems. I loved watching him have a blast, I just wish I had a better camera to catch his expressions better.

This was the only kind of ride Paige was big enough to go on. She loved it though and we spent plenty of quarters on them. Maybe next time she'll be big enough to ride the big rides with Drew.

We went to the shark reef at Mandalay Bay. It was very cool, at the beginning of the exhibit you got a listening device and each tank had a number on it, so you'd type in the number and get all the info about what was in each tank, like a personal tour guide. Drew was really funny, I'd type in his numbers and he'd patiently listen then after say "Hey, Mom, Look its a ______" and tell me all about the fish or lizard or whatever. He's such a smart boy! The info he remembered was funny, it was fun to hear his perspective.

This is a jelly fish, I thought they were so cool so I decided to let you see it too!

Drew with his listening Device.

There was this big tank of Sting rays and a few other kinds of fish that you could pet, Drew and Paige were scared but the rest of us thought it was really cool. Some of them would actually play with you. There was a sting ray that would go swimming around the tank and when it would go by Morgan it would surface under her hand so she could pet him. Haylie wants to work there.

Then we went to this place called Bonnie Springs Ranch. Its an old ghost town that you ride on this little train to get there. Then they had some shops, a few goofy shows, and a petting zoo. The shows reminded me of Lagoons western shootouts, we were not able to watch to much because Paige is a turd but I was ok with it.

The kids loved the petting zoo. They had mainly farm animals and a few mountain animals, it was kind of a run down sort of place and I've never been happier to have a stuffed up nose.

My daughter, a saloon girl.

All my cute kids. It was a fun vacation the kids got to spend a lot of time with their dad and do somethings that they've never done before. Does any of my loyal readers have any Utah activity's for me to take my kids on during spring break?