Friday, April 10, 2009

This is what I was talking about

Last night at book club us moms were sharing silly things that our kids do and discussing why its so hard to keep a clean house. I told them about Paige, and how shes this crazy tornado and you cant keep up with her. So I decided to post this picture in reference to our talk even though the picture is a couple of months old. This is Paige and Drew helping me with the laundry. This is not an occasional occurrence, this is every time. This only shows laundry, it does not show her climbing in the dishwasher, emptying cupboards, dumping out cat food, or any of the other things we discussed. This is my Paige, sometimes Drew is involved (hes usually content just to make a mess with his toys) but not Paige. So lady's we are not alone in our never ending mess. People keep saying one day we'll miss the mess and I'm sure they are right but today I'd really love to not have cereal all over the floor.


Unknown said...

Some kids just have to mess. The other day my kitchen floor had what felt and looked liked bird seed all over it. When I asked colin what had happened, he told me he was "experimenting with spices."

Amber said...

Not good...but I'm glad you blogged about it because years from now when you say..."Paige..this is what you did". and she says, "no mom I didn't do that"...Now you have proof!!