Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lake to Lake

March 6th I ventured out of my comfort zone and joined my friends for a 50 mile relay race. We had 2 teams with 5 members each member taking 2 5ish mile legs. This is a photo of us at the finish line just a few minutes after the winds picked up, the temperature dropped, and it started to rain. We really wanted a finish line picture the wind was blowing so hard and the sand was getting in our eyes so not all of us are looking at the camera but we are all there. I was so tired after the race and so sore for 3 days after but I finished so I am happy. I earned a metal and that's awesome being a girl that has never received a trophy before. My next race is the Hurrican 5k I hope to be in better health and more prepared for that one. Go Thing 1 and Thing 2! We Rule!!


Janet said...

Congrats Thing 1 & Thing 2! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you!!!

KatandBlue said...

You rock! What more can I say?